
"Ahh, ahhhhhfuuuck", Ängel groaned and loudly expressed their joy, as their boyfriend Per slid the shiny lubricated dildo into Ängel's tight rear. "Just like that, good pet, continue accepting this dildo into you, filling out your empty needy slutty self." Ängel could just barely return a reply consisting of a groan. With the dildo now fully inside Ängel's rectum, Per allowed Ängel to let themself get used to the new width and length.

The couple just moved into a nice cozy house a far bus ride away from the city. Ängel and Per, being hypersexuals, always looked forward to the day they'd move out together from their crappy and shoddily-maintained apartment, where anyone could hear anything whatever the neighbours would be up to. Anything not vanilla sex, in such case Per would just hold Ängel's mouth when they moaned (and oh fuck, what a moaner Ängel is!), they'd bike to a secret spot in the woods not too far from the city suburbs, where Per would let Ängel express themself. Now that they got better insulated walls, shrubbery, and a country road between the next neighbour, the two finally could feel free with their expressions. Along with the usual utensils, bedsheets, and other IKEA stuff which went along a usual housewarming party, Ängel's girlfriend gifted Per a dildo, about the third of the width of Per's own arm, with an instruction to "take care of my sweetie till I move in with you two in the winter".

"As I slowly slide out this cock," Per guides and cooes Ängel, "your thoughts and stresses leave too." Per moves to Ängel's side, as they are bent nude over the towel-covered sofa, and Per kisses and nibbles Ängel's ear softly. "Good pet. And now..."

He then shoves the silicone cock faster than what even Per himself was used to. "Take this cock like a slut, cause I control it, and you love and are addicted to this control, taking it eagerly."

"Yeaaaah..:" Ängel groans and screams in delight. As Per continues thrusting and pistoning the cock into Ängel's ass, he continues coaxing them. "Your ass is an exit for whatever you and I do not want. You don't want stress, I then pull it out of your butt. However, pet, I can also guide whatever I want of you through your ass. Understood, slut?"

Ängel's high voice practically screamed more than answered a proper "yes master!" back. As a response, whenever Per had the dildo at its deepest in Ängel's cute ass, he'd hold it there for a second, making Ängel growl and mewl like a cat in heat. No safewords said by them so far, so just to make sure, he asked Ängel for their hypnotically programmed response if it is okay to continue. While Per watched Ängel's eyes roll back, showing only the whites of their eyes, they answered "sssssnnnnälllllaaaa,..." *please,* which is Per's go-ahead to give them more. The slut can take it, and they want more.

Six firm knocks on the front door shook Ängel awake from their entranced subspace, while Per almost hit his butt on the coffee table a meter behind him, almost falling onto and breaking it. "This is the police! Answer the door!" A firm commanding voice boomed from behind the door.

"Ah shit, I don't like being commanded when I am in my dommy mood!" Per muttered in frustration. "I'm coming in a bit!" He yelled to the police at the entrance. After Ängel gave Per a deep kiss on the lips, they said "Go ahead and answer, I'll just get a bathrobe and pee."

With the chain lock still in place, Per partially opened the door, peeking through the gap. There, he was greeted by two fully uniformed police officers. "Hello, I am officer Adam, and this is my colleague officer Jeanette. Are you Per Li, resident of this house?"

"Yes, what is this about?" Per asked, but already knowing in the back of his head what it could be about.

"We received a call about ten minutes ago regarding some concerns about whatever is happening here. Do you consent to us being let in?"

"I'd rather not, well..." Per thought about the disorganised cardboard boxes in the hall, all the packaging, the unassembled furniture, the hooks being installed on the ceiling, the ropes and such, "yeah, not unless you got a better reason."

Officer Jeanette then inquired. "It says here on the database that you have a cohabitant. How is she?" "They're alright, just give them a minute." Per replied restlessly. Officer Jeanette replied with a simple "mmhmm".

"Is there anything else you wanna bring up?" Per asked the officers. Officer Jeanette gave her colleague a look, raising one eyebrow. Officer Adam then commanded, "Per, we need you to unfasten the lock and let us in." Officer Jeanette's left hand inched towards her pepper spray holster.

"That won't be necessary!" An angelic voice sounded behind Per. "Hey officers, I'm Ängel Hagalund. Give us a second to unlock."

"Shall we let them in?" Per whispered to Ängel. "I mean, think of-" as Per signaled his eyes to the sexed-up living room. "Ah, so what, the coppers have surely seen worse." Ängel slid off the lock and opened the door fully.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Ängel asked.

"Someone called in and said that someone was maybe being hurt in here." Officer Adam explained. "Is it just you two in this house?"

"Yeah, it is just us two." Per answered. "Was it the neighbour about 200 meters thataway?"

"We are not at liberty to say, but what were you up to anyways?"

Per hesitated. "Umm, we were just having fun, is it illegal nowadays or what?" Per became puzzled when he saw the serious expressions of the officers turn into Adam bursting into laughter, and Jeanette trying to suppress her own laughter, with the tucked in lips and the puffed up cheeks just barely holding it in. Brushing his arm is the dildo he just used on Ängel, as they held it. "Is this enough of an explanation, officers?"

"Uhh, yeaaaah, yeah, it's good enough- it should be good enough, right Adam? It's good enough. Have fun, you two!" Officer Jeanette said. Officer Adam then added "Sorry about us being tense, it's that there are many couples who are not as loving to each other as you are."

At the same time as Officer Adam talked, the radio on their shoulders beeped. Officer Jeanette pressed into a button and talked into the radio, "This is 69-1420, we're a few minutes from that area, requesting address, over." Officer Adam said, while backing himself towards the parked police car, "Sorry to disturb you two, but looks like we have to leave. Have fun and stay safe!" Officer Jeanette took the wheel and started the engine, and in a moment, the two colleagues had a dust cloud and the sound of the emergency siren trailing them.

"Oh boy, what a meeting, hm sweetie?" Ängel asked, as both them and Per reclined on the sofa on which just ten minutes ago had intense sex on. They then noticed that the kitchen window was still open from breakfast, when they fried bacon, so the smoke would be let out. It was not closed since then, and upon realisation, they both giggled together. "You should have let only me talk with them, pet!" Per grumbled with a smirk.

"Well, I saw you were kinda lost, you were on the verge of stuttering. I hope I rescued you in the nick of time-"

Per then slapped Ängel on the face, not enough to hurt, but just enough to be registered as more than a mere brush. "Shut up, slave." That was their trigger. Ängel sighed, smiled, and let the blanket of trance take them, as they rolled up their eyes and let themself drop.

"That spank was for trying to imply you're over me in hierarchy." Per explained, after he kissed Ängel's reddening cheek. "Now, for being such a noisy bitch..." Per tugged off Ängel's robe, revealing their smooth curves, then pulled them into position, face down, butt up. As one of his hands fumbled with getting his cargo pants off, freeing his erection, the other searched in the boxes for one clean sock and duct tape. "If you want to say something while I punish you, punch me or the sofa, understood?"

"Yes master." Ängel sighed with a smile.

Author's Note:

Here is a little something I wrote at work. Maybe I'll refine and republish it when I get more ideas. More comments are always welcome!


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