Exhibition Girl Pt. 03

Exhibition Girl Part 3

The next day, Jessica woke late, with a terrific hangover. As a special treat, Daddy delivered breakfast to her in bed: orange juice, a Tylenol for her headache, hot buttered toast, a fluffy omelet, and an apple sliced thin, just the way she liked it. She kissed him in gratitude and propped herself up, the tray balanced on her lap.

"It's going to be a strenuous evening, Baby Girl." Daddy threw open the curtains, letting in sunlight. "I want you to rest as much as possible."

"What will happen this evening?" she asked, popping the pill and gulping it down with the juice. She was never drinking hard alcohol again.

"Nothing you cannot bear," he answered. "I'll brief you before our guests arrive. Meanwhile, you're to take it easy. Rest, read, write, take a long bath -- whatever you want, except giving yourself an orgasm." His eyes gleamed. "Come evening, you will be on trial, honey."

He refused to tell her more about it, and left a little later, saying he and Bill had some arrangements to make for the party.

She took another nap after breakfast, and then, as per Daddy's suggestion, indulged in a long, sensuous bath. She didn't masturbate in the bath, as she usually did. Somehow, she was sure that whatever Daddy was planning for the night would include some level of erotic pleasure for her. To tell the truth, she had come to the conclusion that orgasms that were delayed were infinitely more pleasurable than those that were quick, even though they came at the cost of some frustration.

She wrapped herself in a towel and went to the kitchen to make herself a sandwich. To her surprise and annoyance, the kitchen was not empty. Catherine was sitting at the kitchen island, chatting with Bill, a glass in her hand. Who the hell let her in, and why was she here?

Catherine looked up when she entered. "Oh, hello, Jessica!" Her beady eyes traveled over Jessica's wet hair and towel-clad body. "Aren't you a little big to go around in just a towel?" Her gaze went to Bill, who had averted his eyes and was looking uncomfortable. "Your stepdad has guests. Male guests."

"Bill is like a father to me," said Jessica innocently. "You have a dirty mind, Catherine. Luckily, Bill doesn't."

Bill choked back a laugh. Catherine went red. "I didn't mean-"

"Where's Daddy?" Jessica asked Bill, cutting Catherine off.

"He needs to buy some stuff," said Bill. "I came back with the booze." He indicated a crate of beer and wine bottles in one corner.

"I can't believe Steve is having a party!" said Catherine. "He's always so reticent. Maybe I'll pop over for a bit, just to meet everyone."

"You can't come," said Jessica flatly. "It's a work thing."

"Oh." She looked disappointed, and then brightened up. "How boring for you. Why don't you come over to my place until it's over? We can do girlie things together."

I would rather die. "Sorry," she said, with a heroic attempt at politeness. "I need to meet Daddy's work colleagues. One of them might offer me an internship." It might even be true, she thought, suppressing a grin. A sex internship.

"Oh, how exciting!" Catherine beamed. "You must tell me all about it."

"Sure." Jessica moved past them to the counter and opened the fridge. She poured herself a glass of almond milk and grabbed a slice of ham, a tomato, a hunk of cheddar, and rye bread. Maybe if she looked busy, Catherine would stop trying to talk to her and go away.

But she didn't. "Making a sandwich, Jessica? Maybe I'll have one too."

Don't scream don't scream don't scream. Jessica slapped the ham and cheese on her bread with unnecessary force.

Bill cleared his throat. "I'll tell Steve you came by. I need to make some preparations for our work party this evening, so please excuse me."

My hero, thought Jessica in gratitude as Catherine reluctantly rose.

"Really nice meeting you, Bill," she said, "Bye Jessica! Come over soon. I'll be happy to bake cookies for you again."

"Thanks," said Jessica. Bill saw her out, and Jessica sat down to finally eat her sandwich.

Bill returned and squeezed her shoulder. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm fine now that she's gone," said Jessica. "I loathe that woman."

He frowned and sat down next to her. "Why? She seems nice."

Nice? Nice? Jessica curbed her desire to throw her sandwich at him. "Daddy's been having sex with her."

"I see." He gave her a shrewd look. "And that makes you jealous?"

"Yeah." She took a huge bite of her sandwich and washed it down with a gulp of milk. "Daddy says he doesn't love her, but that doesn't make it any easier for me to watch them fuck."

"He made you watch?" Bill sounded shocked.

Oops. Had she revealed something she shouldn't have? "Part of my punishment for seducing Mom's boyfriend," she explained.

Bill gave a long exhale. "I'm going to say what I said to you in Vegas once. I wish you were mine, not his. I'd never treat you this way."

She made a face. "You're married. You have a wife and multiple partners. And three dogs! Would you leave them all for me?"

To that he had no answer, which was answer enough in itself. Men. They all wanted their cake and their cookie too. She finished her sandwich and rose from the table.

Bill caught her hand. "I love you," he said, his voice husky. "Any time you need help, or want a friend, just call me. I'll come, no matter where I am."

She leaned over and kissed his forehead. In the process, her towel fell open. "Oops." She giggled, reaching one hand to re-tie it.

"Wait," said Bill. His eyes traveled over her lush, naked body and came to rest on her breasts. "I want to taste your nipples."

Warmth sparked in her pussy. She hesitated, torn between desire and Daddy's instructions. "Daddy said not to orgasm before evening."

"Just a little suck, Baby Girl," he said, using Daddy's pet name for her, his voice full of yearning.

"Okay," she said, giving in. "But no more than that."

He pulled her toward him and latched on to her breast, his soft mouth sucking and teasing her nipple. She gasped, cradling his head. No matter how often she did this, it always felt new, always felt delicious.

Bill switched to the other breast. "Stop," she moaned. "Or I'm gonna need to come."

"Why not?" he demanded, pulling her down to straddle his lap. "Steve won't be back for another hour at least. He'll never know."

At that moment, they heard Daddy's car pull up the driveway. "Fuck!" Jessica hastily clambered off Bill's lap, tied the towel around herself, and flew upstairs to her room.

She was just in time. She heard Daddy enter the house and ask Bill a question. She couldn't hear their conversation, but after a while, the front door opened and shut again.

She pulled on her yellow sundress and went downstairs. Daddy was in the drawing room, tearing the cardboard off a large wooden frame, shaped like an extra-wide door. It was perhaps a foot or so taller than her.

"What's that?" she asked, curious.

He gave her a quick smile. "An early birthday present."

"For you or me?"

He laughed. "Both of us. Run along, pet. Daddy has a lot to do."

She glanced toward the kitchen. "Where did Bill go?"

"I sent him off to Catherine," said Daddy, hammering a nail into the wooden frame. "Apparently she came over, looking for me. She can slake her lust with Bill, cool him down a bit for the evening."

"Seriously, Daddy?" Her cheeks flamed. "First you, and now Bill. What is she, our friendly neighborhood whore?"

He put down the hammer and frowned at her. "Why does it bother you, Jessica? It's not as if either of us cares about her."

"If you cared about me, you wouldn't keep encouraging her!"

"Jessica." A note of warning entered his voice. "Go to your room. I have a most interesting evening planned. Let's not spoil it, shall we?"

She bit her lip, nodded, and stalked away. She spent the rest of the afternoon lazing on the porch swing, wondering what Daddy had planned for the evening. When Bill returned, opening the gate and walking down the path with a rather furtive look, she called out to him, "Hey, how was the fuck?" and was pleased to see him blush deeply.

He hurried up to her and said, "Hush, Jessica. She might hear you."

"Do I look like I care?" said Jessica. "Tell me, what positions did you fuck her in?"

"I didn't," he said, looking aggrieved. "She spent the entire damn hour talking about how much she loves Steve and how great the weather is. I couldn't take it any more; I just excused myself and left."

Jessica broke down laughing. Serve him right. Serve them both right.

"What's funny?" Daddy poked his head out the door.

"Nothing," said Bill, and he marched inside.

"The lust slaking didn't pan out," explained Jessica, wiping her eyes. "She has the hots only for you, Daddy."

"If you have quite finished laughing," he said dryly, "I have some instructions for you. Our guests will arrive in an hour, and I need you to be ready."

"Okay, Daddy." She jumped up with alacrity.

He led her to the drawing room. The wooden frame dominated the room, standing on the carpet in the center. A manacle hung at each end of the top bar.

Slowly, clearly, Daddy explained to Jessica what it was for, and what he expected her to do. She listened in a mixture of alarm, excitement, and fear.

"Suppose I can't do it?" she said at last. "Suppose it's too much?"

"You have your safe word," he said calmly. "Use it if and only if it is essential. Remember that nothing else will stop me -- no amount of begging and pleading. Go now, darling. I will call you when it's time."

"Okay, Daddy." She went upstairs, her mind in turmoil. What Daddy wanted her to do was not something she had ever dreamed. It was completely outside her frame of reference; she had nothing to compare it with. How would it feel to be shackled to that structure, helpless and naked before a group of men?

Her pussy vibrated. Hot, her Inner Slut whispered.


Daddy's voice floated up to her room. "Jessica! Come down, please."

Jessica gave herself a last, nervous look in the mirror. She was naked except for fishnet stockings and black heels. Around her neck was a black velvet collar studded with pearls that Daddy had given her. She'd tied her hair in a plait, as he had instructed, and darkened her eyes with mascara. Lil Steve nestled Inside her cunt, waiting to do his job.

She looked nothing like the staid, brown-skirted Jessica that Mom had packed off to Daddy's house a few days ago. In fact, she didn't even look anything like the svelte and sexy club Jessica of last night. The velvet choker and the plait changed her look completely.

"Jessica!" called Daddy, a hint of impatience in his tone, and she hurried out of the room and down the stairs, careful not to trip.

Daddy was waiting in the entry hall at the bottom of the stairs, his face alive with anticipation. "Oh, Baby Girl," he said softly, his eyes devouring her. "You look perfect."

She blushed. "You look great too." He was dressed in a formal black suit, like last night. The only difference was that he was wearing a red bow instead of a tie.

He held his hand out to her. "Come, darling. They're waiting for you."

Jessica swallowed and took his hand. He led her to the drawing room and announced, "Gentlemen, I present to you our reward giver of the night: my Jessica."

Men rose from sofas and chairs, clapping and cheering. Jessica's blush deepened. The light was dim and mellow, but she could see that there were six other men, all as well-dressed as Daddy, and all wearing the same red bow. There was Bill, of course, and Rory and Kevin. She'd never seen the remaining three before. They were all somewhere in their thirties, like Daddy.

Daddy led her to the wooden frame. "Raise your arms, Baby Girl," he instructed.

Jessica obeyed, her heart quaking. Daddy handcuffed each of her wrists to the manacles that hung on the top bar. He smoothed a stray hair back from her cheek. "Stand straight, with your feet apart. Yes, like that. Good girl." He patted her head and stepped back, looking at her critically.

"She's so beautiful." Kevin walked up to Daddy. "You're damn lucky, Steve."

Daddy gave a self-satisfied smile "Yes, indeed I am."

He turned away and began to serve drinks to his guests. The men glanced at her from time to time, but no one approached her. After a while, her heart rate reduced and she relaxed a tiny bit. The handcuffs were of leather, and soft enough not to hurt her. She would get tired standing like this at some point, but was fine for the moment. As for the whole naked-in-a-room-full-of-strange-men thing, yeah, it was weird and humiliating and also erotic in a way she couldn't quite pin down. Her smooth, naked mound felt terribly exposed. Every glance was like the stroke of a finger, caressing her.

"Time to roll the dice, gentlemen," said Daddy, and there was a cheer. Daddy had explained the game to her. They would each roll a pair of dice, and the person who got the most points would get a reward. All the rewards were to do with her. They were written on chits of paper, folded up and stuffed in a jar. The winner of each dice round got to pick a chit and claim his reward. Daddy hadn't told her what the rewards were. That was supposed to be a 'surprise'.

Daddy started the game, throwing a pair of fours. Bill threw a total of just six. He scowled in disappointment as Rory picked up the dice. Rory threw a pair of ones, and there was general laughter and ribbing at his terrible luck. Then Kevin threw a six and a five. Jessica thought for sure he would win, but in the end, one of the new -- to her -- guys threw two sixes. The men clapped his back and congratulated him. Jessica racked her brains for his name.

"Dave's the winner of this round," announced Daddy.

Right, Dave. He was the blond, blue-eyed type. He had a bit of a beer gut, but still looked like a powerful man beneath the suit. He blew her a kiss and reached into the jar of rewards. He drew out a chit and passed it to Daddy, who read it aloud:

"Winner can control sex toy inside Jessica for four minutes."

Fuck. She wouldn't last four minutes with Lil Steve vibrating her pussy.

Daddy passed his phone to Dave's eager hands and pointed out the app. "Your time starts now."

Dave didn't waste a moment. He swiped the phone and Lil Steve came to life. Jessica clamped her lips and closed her eyes, trying to control herself.

The intensity of vibration increased. She arched her back and moaned as electricity sparked through her pussy.

"Yeah, give it to her, Dave," came an excited voice.

The intensity increased yet again. Her hips thrust back-and-forth. She was helpless to stop them, helpless to stop the moans coming out of her mouth. She panted hard, feeling the approach of an orgasm.

Abruptly, Lil Steve stopped vibrating. She opened her eyes to see that all the men had drawn closer to her and were watching her with avid eyes. The bulges in their pants betrayed their erections. It was turning them on to watch her lose control like this. It was turning Daddy on too; he stood a little away from the group, his cock tenting his pants.

Dave licked his lips and swiped the phone again. Once more, Lil Steve purred within her.

It was a show they wanted, and it was a show she would give them.

Jessica threw her head back and moaned loudly. "I want to come," she begged, thrusting her hips back-and-forth, as if she was fucking an invisible cock. Once more, she approached orgasm.

"Time's up," said Daddy. He reached for his phone, plucking it from Dave's hand. "Back you go, gentlemen."

There were groans of disappointment. They'd wanted to watch her come. But Jessica, breathing hard and trying not to scream in frustration, knew exactly what Daddy was doing. He was teasing them, just like he teased her.

The next round started. This time, it was another of the new guys who won -- a slim, elegant man with dark hair and eyes called Winston. He winked at her as he drew out a chit and passed it to Daddy.

"Winner gets to rub his penis against Jessica for one minute," said Daddy.

There was some ribbing about whether Winston would lose it and ejaculate in less than a minute, but somehow, Jessica thought not. The man who stepped up to her and unzipped his pants was one cool customer -- the opposite of Bill.

He locked gazes with her. Jessica stared at him, hardly able to breathe. He was so close, she could smell his aftershave and his breath -- a mix of beer and mint and smoke.

"This is awkward isn't it," he whispered with a half-smile that wasn't quite nice. "We don't know each other, and yet, I am doing this to you."

His hot, hard flesh pressed against her midriff. She bit her lip, determined not to cry out.

But it was difficult. He rubbed his erection up and down her stomach, leaving a trail of pre-cum, his eyes glistening with lust.

"Time's up," said Daddy, his voice amused.

He gave a rueful smile and stepped back from her, zipping his pants.

She drew a shaky breath. Bill materialized at her side, holding a glass. "Juice?" he asked.

She nodded in gratitude. Bill helped her drink the entire glass, and only when it was finished did she wonder what would happen if she needed to pee. Would Daddy allow her to go to the bathroom? Would he make her pee here in front of everyone?

Damn, she'd better not drink any more...

The third round began. The mood of the players changed. They weren't laughing and joking as much any more. They were aroused, and they were playing to win.

Kevin won the third round. "Yes!" He pumped a fist into the air.

Daddy read aloud his prize. "Winner gets to play with Jessica's breasts for two minutes."

There were groans of envy as Kevin walked up to her, a smug smile on his face. His large hands cupped her breasts, squeezing them rather hard.

"Ouch." She glared at him.

"Sorry, they're so beautiful," he said apologetically. "Tell me how you like them to be touched."

"Gently," she snapped.

He removed his hands and lowered his mouth to her breasts. She braced herself for teeth, but instead felt his soft, wet tongue lick first one nipple, and then another.

Okay, that was much better. She arched her neck and closed her eyes, giving herself up to the sensations produced by his skillful tongue. When he popped a nipple in his mouth and sucked it gently, she moaned aloud. He switched to the other breast, licking and sucking until she was gasping with need.

"Time's up," said Daddy.

Kevin stepped away from her, licking his lips. "You liked that, didn't you?"

"It's one of her favorite things," said Bill, sounding jealous. She hoped he would win the next round, but he didn't. He just wasn't lucky today.

The winner, instead, was Rory.

"Winner gets to kiss Jessica," announced Daddy. "One minute, so make the most of it."

Rory stepped up to her. "Hey beautiful. We kissed last night; remember?"

She did remember. She smiled as he bent his head and fastened his mouth on hers. He had soft, sweet lips and an agile, erotic tongue that pushed inside her mouth, as if it had every right to be there. He explored the roof of her mouth, curled his tongue around her own, then drew back a little to nibble and suck her lips, leaving her wanting more.

But "Time's up," Daddy said, and Rory withdrew after giving her a final peck on the cheek.

The next round was won by the third stranger, a tall, well-built man with a shaved head and a silver earring called Nathan. He looked like a pirate or a gangster with his expensive suit and custom-designed watch.

"Winner gets to play with Jessica's pussy for two minutes," announced Daddy.r"












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